Darien Lions Club - Darien, IL
Non-Profit Organization

Pancake Breakfast - 3.9.2025
The Darien Lions Club is hosting its annual Pancake Breakfast which is served 7:30 am-1:00 pm at Eisenhower Junior High School, 2 blocks west of Cass Avenue on 75th Street.
Our all-you-can-eat menu includes:
Pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, and juice, coffee, tea, or milk.
Tickets can be purchased at the door for $9.00, or in advance from any Club member for $8.00
Children 5-and-under eat free.
Special Services will be Available
A vision and hearing test will be available through the Lions of Illinois Foundation. A Nurse station will be available where a Registered Nurse will be there to answer questions about medications and healthcare issues in general and offer blood pressure checks.
These services are at no cost
These tests may be an indicator of a potential problem waiting for your future.
Lions International has established various donation programs... "SO OTHERS CAN SEE".
Patrons can bring in their old unneeded eyeglasses, hearing aids, and keys to help those in need.
We are also collecting printer ink, toner cartridges, and cell phones.
Our 50/50 Split-the-Pot Raffle Says it All
We split a large raffle pot again last year with one lucky winner. Tickets are available in the main dining area.
A Great Place to Purchase a Darien Lions Club Big Raffle Ticket
Chances at winning thousands of dollars in prizes, and a Grand prize of $10,000.00
Tickets are $100 each. The drawing is to be held on June 6th, 2025, and sales are limited to a maximum of 450 tickets.
Special thanks to our sponsors:
Kiefer Financial
Lion Brian Kiefer
Manor Press
Lion Frank Noverini
Joerg Seifert - Seifert Law PC
7900 S. Cass Ave. Suite 200, Darien
Michael Overmann, LTD.
Attorney At Law
Lion Mike Overmann
Model Funeral Home
Lion Frank Modelski
Lion Andrew Brunsen
Michael Powers, LTD
Attorney At Law
Lion Mike Powers
Tivoli Bowl
938 Warren Aven
Downers Grove, IL
Falco's Pizza
16W561 S. Frontage Rd, Burr Ridge
Lion Mike Falco
Reynolds Consumer Products
Lynda Marchese
Blue Diamond Wealth Management
Lion Angelo Imbrogno
State Farm Insurance
1450 Plainfield Rd. Darien
Lion Ryan Wahlheim
C & S Sales Promotions, Inc
Lion Savio Viglielmo: 630-606-8128
Advertising Specialties
Werk Management / MI
Construction & Roofing
Lion Jack Mancione
The Goddard School
From Infants to Kindergarten
8350 Lemont Road, Darien
Exit Real Estate Partners
Lion Chris Hochstedt
Lion Tom Sailor
KK Worx Inc.
Sr. Solutions Engineer
Lion Mark Kiwiet
State Farm Insurance
Matt Gross, Agent
Darien Collision Center
Lion Rich Jepsen
For any questions, the 2024-2025 chairpeople are Lion Bella Serini (bellaserini@gmail.com) and Lion Germano Chiancone (germano.chiancone@gmail.com)