Darien Lions Club - Darien, IL
Non-Profit Organization

Fellow Lion & Prospective New Member,
First, our many thanks for seeking out a prospective member for the Darien Lions Club and your willingness to sponsor and guide them throughout the forthcoming year. New, active members are the key to enabling us to continually enrich and energize our club.
As you are aware, we seek new members all year round but have two new members Induction periods annually. The first starts in September with the Induction in early October and the second starts in January with the Induction at the end of April.
There are many events the Darien Lions are involved with. Events are a great time to bring a prospective member to, meet our membership, and learn a bit about Lionism and the services we provide Darien and beyond. These events include Steak Fry, Darienfest, Candy Day, Halloween Party, Food Baskets, Bowling, Non*Smoker, Pancake Breakfast, Golf Outing, and/or dinner/business meetings that the club holds. Keep in mind, that a prospective member gets one meal free.
If you are planning to sponsor a new member, the following steps need to be achieved:
Sponsor and prospective member are to review this packet and ask questions if needed.
The application can be filled out electronically and then printed. Applicant and sponsor must sign the membership application and turn it into the Membership Chairman with a check for $150.00 (fall) or $75.00 (spring). (The application fee breakdown is on the fourth page)
The applicant needs to attend one meeting or activity.
The Lion sponsor must attend the September Board Meeting for the October Induction or any Board meeting before the April Induction.
The sponsor will present the applicant’s request for membership which needs Board approval.
The sponsor and applicant must attend the “Prospective Member Introduction to Lionism” session. Time and location to be determined.
To complete the process, the sponsor and prospective member need to attend the official New Member Induction Ceremony.
The new member is now a member of the Darien Lions Club and Darien Lions Club Foundation.