Darien Lions Club - Darien, IL
Non-Profit Organization

Halloween Party
The Darien Lions Club invites the Darien area youths to attend our annual Halloween Party, to be held at the Darien Sportsplex on Halloween night, October 31st from 6:00-8:00 pm.
Each year more than 1,300 children and 500 ice skaters come out and enjoy a safe and fun-filled Halloween evening, complete with our famous "graveyard," games, a magician, and entertainment galore.
The Event Chairman says: "We're happy to host this party where kids of all ages can have a lot of fun." And, as in the past, there is no charge to attend this event. We are especially thankful for the donated use of the indoor ice skating rink and large soccer field provided by the Darien Sportsplex. This huge donation allows us to provide this service free to our community while helping to keep our youth in a safe environment on a very busy Halloween night. Area residents can come out and explore facilities such as the Sportsplex for future uses. When the Darien Lions team with local businesses we all benefit. Please consider all of our donors and the efforts that they make to better our community.
For any questions, the 2024-2025 chairperson is Lion Dee Mutters (muttersdee@gmail.com)